
“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.”

- Robert McKee

Equity Speaks 2:

Each month, our newsletter will feature a new column, Equity Speaks. As CORE grows and works to support more families and Scholars with the tools they need to succeed in life, we know it is always important first and foremost to listen when the need for equity in our society speaks. CORE commits to not just supporting families with our program but also by amplifying the needs and voices of the people we work alongside. 

“Equal pay isn’t just a women’s issue;
when women get equal pay, their family incomes rise and the whole family benefits.”

–Mike Honda


At CORE, we knew from the start that the pandemic would disproportionately impact Scholars and families of color. We worked hard to address these things throughout the unprecedented global crisis.
Data from The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center shows that in the aftermath of the pandemic, college enrollment for female students is down by 3.2 % –  over twice as much for those of male freshmen at 1.3%.
At the  it’s noted that women are often the ones who have to step up and become caretakers of either siblings, children, parents, or medically-fragile relatives. Nevada saw one of the largest declines in undergraduate enrollment in the country in 2022.
As we head into Nevada’s Legislative Session for 2023, we know there are things that can help combat this. Quality child care isn’t simply an issue for parents, it can often affect the entire family. In many cases, for a Scholar helping care for a younger sibling, it can impact their goals for the future. We look forward to supporting bills that help address this, as well as increase healthcare options and other programs that help those underserved in our communities
However, laws and funding alone will not change the landscape of poverty. As we work every day to uncover the barriers our Scholars and families face, we find challenges unique and common. We strive to be all we can for our Scholars and appreciate the many community partners who support us. With our partners, are able to address many of our Scholars’ needs or connect them to resources that may help.
Change takes time and there are many systemic and institutional barriers to overcome. Women of color have borne the brunt of many of these inequities and as we head into African American History Month and Women’s History Month, we encourage you to contact the CORE team to see how you can help in our goals to create equity in our community … an equity that the next generations will thrive in.

To find out more about how CORE’s programming helps students and their families, visit our website or contact us to tour our site.